Looking to get more bang for your buck from your PPC campaign?
Over $10bn was spent on PPC in 2017, and every cent you invest into your campaign counts. Effective paid search marketing drives valuable traffic to your site and helps secure conversions, but if you’re not giving it your all you could be missing out … and wasting money.
There are certain golden rules to follow to maximize your PPC campaign’s worth. Let’s take a look at them below.
Know your Financial Limits
First things first: decide on your budget and stick to it.
Bidding wars can erupt over the most competitive keywords, and if you get carried away chasing the ones you feel you must have, you can end up burning through your budget too fast. You may even exceed it.
Figure out how much your business can afford per month, bearing in mind that the cost of keywords will vary based on your sector / niche. Once you’ve defined your budget you know your limits, so do the best you can within that framework.
Run Multiple Ads to Target Different Prospects
When setting up PPC ads with Google AdWords, Facebook Advertising and other leading platforms, you have impressive control over your targeting.
You don’t need to try to build a single PPC campaign that targets your complete audience (including multiple demographics) and advertises all of your products / services.
Instead, you should create PPC ads that are relevant to different prospects within your target audience. These have a higher chance of driving conversions than generic ones which don’t feel particularly relevant to anyone.
Understand the Value of Landing Pages
When your potential customers click on an ad, the landing page they’re directed to should be consistent with the ad itself.
If they can’t see anything related to the products, services, offers or anything else attracting their attention, they’ll feel cheated. They may not spend time searching for the relevant content on the page, and simply click away instead.
You should have a dedicated landing page for each ad, to bring users closer to the conversion stage.
Clear CTAs are Essential
You have to show your customers what’s required of them next. Your call-to-action (CTA) must be direct, unmissable and make the user feel certain they know what will happen when they click on the button.
Use language like ‘sign up’, ‘buy now’, ‘shop’ etc. Your CTA should be the next obvious step after reaching the landing page.
Keep Monitoring your Performance
You have to keep updated with your PPC campaign performance —— don’t think you can just set it up and leave it for years to come.
Regular monitoring will help you identify where you’re going right and wrong, whether you’re reaching the audience you should and more. These valuable insights let you adapt your campaign and refine your ads for ongoing improvements.
At Nett Solutions PPC, our Orange County digital marketing team is here to create a PPC campaign tailored to your business. We’ll help you identify your goals, build ads that cater to your target customers and keep you updated on your performance.
Want to learn more? Just get in touch!